A Parish Surgery is being held on Tuesday, 1st April from 6pm to 7.30pm at The Seymour Inn, Grouville

Election FAQsTTD entouor l’s Êlections

Can I vote in a Public Election?

You may vote in a Public Election if your name is on the Electoral Register which is used for that election.

You may cast your vote on polling day, or use the pre-poll or postal voting options.

How do I check that my name is on the Electoral Register?

Call your Parish Hall to check that your name is included on the Electoral Register (address/contact details and office hours are on this website).

What if I change my address?

If you change your address you must notify the Parish. Use the change my name or address online service or complete and return the PDF form.

If you are moving away from Jersey you can complete an online form to notify your Parish, States of Jersey departments as well as your GP surgery (only if you want). For more information and the online form please take a look at gov.je/LeavingJersey.

Do I have to renew my registration?

Before 1 November each year your Parish will send a ‘statement’ to every unit of dwelling accommodation. This will show the names of all persons resident at that dwelling that are on the Electoral Register.

If your name is on the statement, ensure your details are correct and sign the statement.

If your name does not appear on the statement, but you meet the criteria to register as an elector, add your name and sign the statement.

If the statement includes the name(s) of person(s) who are no longer resident at the address then cross through the name(s).

The statement must be checked, completed, signed and returned to the Parish by 1 December so the register can be brought up to date.

Is the Electoral Register available for inspection?

A copy of the Electoral Register as at 1 September is available for inspection at the Jersey Library.

The Electoral Register is a ‘rolling register’. The copy at the Jersey Library will not contain any changes made since 1 September. To view the current Electoral Register you should contact the Parish Hall.

Can my name be omitted from the Electoral Register?

If you, or another person who resides with you, will be at significant risk or threat of personal harm should your name and address be included on the Electoral Register, you may apply for your name and address to be omitted from the register.

You may apply when you register as an elector or at any other time. Please ask your Parish for an application form (Article 9).

The electoral administrator will contact you about your application and decide whether your name and address should be omitted. If your name is omitted, the electoral administrator may, from time to time, review the omission of your name and, if satisfied that there are no longer grounds for it, may reinstate in, or add your name and address to, the register. You will be notified if this happens.

You have a right of appeal to the Royal Court on a refusal of an application, or a decision to reinstate in or add your name and address to the register.