A Parish Surgery is being held on Tuesday, 1st April from 6pm to 7.30pm at The Seymour Inn, Grouville

FireworksFeurs d’Artifice

The Explosives (Jersey) Law 1970 regulates the importation, manufacture, storage, use, conveyance, sale, purchase, transfer, acquisition and possession of explosives.

If you wish to sell fireworks by retail you must have a licence granted by the Connétable of the Parish in which the place from which the fireworks are to be sold is situated.

The licence costs £15, is valid for one year expiring on 31 December and is subject to certain conditions (set out on the application form). In particular, the retail sale of fireworks is only permitted for a limited period (Saturday 25 October to Wednesday 5 November 2025 inclusive) and the sale of certain types of fireworks is prohibited.