Parish of Grouville Visite Royale 2022
The Visite Royale is a tradition that goes back many years and occurs in each parish every six years. The Royal Court visits the parishes to inspect the Parish and roads accounts, and adjudicate on contested and queried matters relating to public roads and footpaths. On Wednesday, 17 August 2022, it was the turn of the Parish of Grouville to host the Visite Royale.
The Bailiff, Sir Timothy Le Cocq, assisted by Jurats and officials of the Royal Court, presided over three matters, including the unveiling of La Fontaine es Cabots on La Rue a Don, as well as a special and unique boundary plaque set into the highway on La Rue du Moulin a Vent, at the boundary point of the Parishes of St Clement and Grouville.
A matter requiring the some deliberation was that of a vraic track, located at La Rocque Harbour. Three matters were raised by the Parish’s Roads Committee, those being the ownership of the track and whether that befell the Parish or the Public of the Island, the width requirement and whether the provisions of the Loi sur la Voirie, specifically in relation to branchage regulations, can be lawfully applied.
The Connétable, Mark Labey, and the Parish’s Roads Committee were delighted that the Visite Royal proved to be a great success, with plaudits received from the Royal Court and attendees alike.
The official Act of Court is now available to view below, followed by a selection of photographs of the day. Our thanks go to photographer, Mr Rod Bryans, for his help in ensuring that the Parish of Grouville have a wonderful pictorial record of this historic event.