A Parish Surgery is being held on Tuesday, 1st April from 6pm to 7.30pm at The Seymour Inn, Grouville

Refuse and Glass CollectionRamâss’sie d’Vèrr’ries et d’Salop’thies

Refuse and Recycling

Recycling is a core strategy of the States and there are collection points in the Parish at Holmegrown.

There are other collection sites around the island including for green waste and for liquids such as cooking oil, paint etc. (https://www.gov.je/Environment/WasteReduceReuseRecycle/AtHome/Pages/index.aspx).

Household Refuse is collected weekly.


  • store household refuse in suitable wheelie bins.
  • keep all glass separate from household waste – it is collected once a month.
  • rinse glass jars and bottles and remove the lids; glass that is not properly sorted and cleaned may not be collected.


  • use plastic sacks or boxes (refuse spread by scavenging birds and rodents is your responsibility; your refuse collector may refuse to collect plastic sacks).
  • put liquids such as cooking oil, paint etc. in your household refuse (these can leak onto the road and cause dangerous conditions for road users).
  • put out garden refuse – it will not be collected.
  • mix glass with household refuse.
  • mix the following with glass jars and bottles –
    • metals, ceramics or sharps
    • carrier bags or other household refuse
    • fluorescent tubes, sodium lamps and UV lamps (these should be taken to La Collette for specialist disposal)
    • window frames, rubber seals and metal fixings

Household refuse is collected once a week. Depending on the area this may be Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of each week.

Please ensure your dustbins are placed out the night before your collection.

Glass Collection see collection dates in the below attachment.

Please ensure your glass is placed in suitable wheelie bins.

If your refuse is collected on a Monday, your glass collection day will be the Thursday.

If your refuse is collected on Tuesday or Wednesday, your glass collection day will be the Friday.

If you have any queries, please contact Vautier Municipal Ltd 01534 500191.

2025 Glass Collection Dates (PDF)