Jersey Royal Potato Growing Competition for Occupation VIPs

Occupation VIPs are again invited to take part in the Genuine Jersey, Jersey Royal potato growing competition. An event for Occupation VIPs was held for the first time in 2022 following a proposal from the Parish Connétables as part of the Liberation events. Mike Jackson, Chairman of the Comité des Connétables said – QUOTE The Parish Connétables are delighted that Genuine Jersey have agreed to continue a class for our Occupation VIPs as part of the Jersey Royal potato growing competition. This is an annual competition which challenges various groups, including the Connétables, to grow the heaviest crop and greatest number of Jersey Royal new potatoes using a ‘growing kit’. An ‘Occupation VIP’ is a person who was either resident in Jersey during the Occupation, evacuated, deported or who served in the forces at that time. Anyone born on or before 9th May 1945 who meets one of these criteria and who wishes to take part should contact their Parish by Wednesday, 31st January 2024 to register to take part. The Genuine Jersey, Jersey Royal potato growing kits will be distributed in early February 2024 and the weigh-in will be at St. Lawrence Parish Hall on Thursday, 16th May 2024 at 10.30a.m. .