Accounts and Estimates
16 December 2022

Following a meeting of the Parish’s Accounts Committee, an amended version of the Accounts and Estimates have been uploaded on this site and can be viewed here.
For ease, the changes made are detailed below:
- Page 02: Use of the term ‘company’ amended to ‘Parish’.
- Page 04: Sundry Income: Note referring to page 15 inserted.
- Page 09: Rates Income: Typographical error on date, amended to read 2021.
- Pages 11 & 14: Typographical error corrected on spelling of ‘Belles Fleurs’.
- Page 11: Typographical error with referral to ‘Jersey Association of Charitie’s. Amended to the correct title of ‘Association of Jersey Charities’.
- Page 12: Typographical error on Point 2, date amended from 2020 to 2021.
- Page 19: Insertion of explanatory note regarding the Island Wide Rate.
The Connétable and Procureurs de Bien Public would like to thank the Accounts Committee, the team at Grant Thornton, Mr Rod Amy and Mrs Caroline Anderson for their invaluable advice.
The Parish looks forward to welcoming everyone to the Rates Assembly at 19:00 on Tuesday, 20 December.
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