Grouville Rates Banding Guidelines

As Parishioners, we should all be very proud of the volunteers who serve us in so many ways.

Grouville has over 30 such dedicated individuals who are so important to Parish life and they are the very bedrock that the foundations of our Parochial system are imbedded in.

I would like to highlight one special group at this time, who have gone through a great deal of development in recent months.

Our Rates Assessors have taken it on themselves to formulate a Banding Guideline for their system which is a considerable body of work.

I cannot emphasise enough the research and effort that this has taken and will allow any newcomers to this prestigious committee to undertake their role with a system to guide them.

Going forward this Guideline will be used to assess new build properties and changes to existing ones.

If any rate payer in Grouville wants to have a look at the new Banding Guideline then please email the Parish for a copy on [email protected]