Message from the Connétable

Dear Parishioner

The Parish of Grouville is inviting anyone who was living in Grouville during the Occupation to come down to the Gorey Common on Saturday, 10th May between 11:00 and 20:00 to celebrate 80 years of Liberation from Occupation.

If you are aware of anyone who falls under this category, I would be grateful if they could please contact the Parish Hall on 852225.

On Tuesday, 28th January 2025 at 18:00 at Grouville Parish Hall, there will be a public debate about the reintroduction of Senators in the States. Every Parish Hall around the Island is embracing this opportunity for a public consultation on a political topic.

We are having our Winter Warmer event at the Ambassador Hotel on Saturday 8th February, 2025 which is available to anyone who lives in the parish who is of 65 or over. We hope to have a big turnout for this enjoyable event so contact the Parish Hall on 852225 to book your place before Wednesday, 29 January 2025.

There will be a potato growing competition again this year.  Occupation VIPs have your own category so contact us if you want to take part by Friday, 24th January, 2025.

Other matters:

The Connetables have committed to pursuing the introduction of an Automatic Voter Registration System in the near future to make life easier for voters.

Annual Returns have recently been sent. Please return this document within 15 days from when you received the Annual Return.

The Parish has just planted 16 English Oak Trees in the parish field in La Rue du Marais a la Cocque. We did have a scheme with more species but after Storm Ciaran and the loss of so many oak trees, I thought it best to replace some of them.

Hopefully, there will be news about the future of the Holme Grown Recycling Bring Bank soon, but we will keep you posted.


Mark Labey Connétable de Grouville