Message from the Connétable

I would like to apologise for the lateness of the rates bills we have just sent out. I prioritised our overdue roof project this year but needed to ensure that we had the funds available. This project is being achieved without burdening the rate payer at all, so I think worth the wait.

Our Parish rate of 1.24 pence per quarter is the eighth most expensive in Jersey. Your rates bills also includes the Island Wide rate which contributes to the benefit system administered by the Social Security Department. That has gone up by 11.5% this year.

We will be issuing the Annual Return before Christmas. Parishioners can request a reassessment on their Annual Returns if they wish to. It must be said, at this stage, that if you ask for this to be done, your quarters may go up or down, or stay the same.

If you need anymore advice or information, contact the Parish Hall and we will hopefully be able to assist.

Have a Happy and Healthy Christmas.

Connétable Mark Labey