Notice of Assessments 2023

The Parish of Grouville Rates List is available for inspection from Friday, 19 May 2023 to Thursday 01 June 2023 inclusive;

  1. through the parish website (Enter Rates Online (; use the three part code near the QR code on the paper Notice of Assessment or access from your digital Notice)
  2. at the Parish Hall

Members of the Assessment Committee will be available to discuss any queries you may have on Tuesday, 30 May 2023 and Thursday, 01 June 2023 between 5pm and 7pm. Please contact the Parish Hall on 01534 852225 to arrange an appointment.

An application may be made to the Assessment Committee for a Review of the rateable value of any area of land shown on the Rates List. An application for Review:

  • must be made on the approved form (available from the Parish Hall or on or Request a Review online)
  • must state the name of other land in the Island with similar attributes where there is a significant difference (10% of the proposed rateable value of the land in question or 500 rateable quarters whichever is the greater)
  • if requesting a review of the assessment of domestic / non domestic you must provide details of the current use of the property
  • must be made on or before 01 June 2023 to the Assessment Committee at the Parish Hall.

An appeal against an assessment may only be made after a Review has been undertaken.

Notice is also given that in accordance with Article 11 (4) of the Rates (Jersey) Law 2005 that once the Rate List has been approved by the Supervisory Committee it becomes the Approved Rate List of the Parish of Grouville for 2023.

Mr M. Labey                                                                                                 
