Press Release

Rates Assembly 17th October 2022
Press Release:
Last night the parishioners of Grouville rejected the Audited Accounts that were approved by the Accounts Committee the previous week.
We will be working with members of the Parish Assembly over the coming days and weeks on a variety of matters and will be returning to another Assembly in the near future to ratify those points raised.
I would very much like to introduce recycling in the Parish of Grouville, as I think that we must now do everything in our power to reduce our carbon footprint and kerbside recycling is one way to achieve that. There are, however, other options out there, for example bring banks, and we look forward to entering into dialogue with our parishioners on all the options available. The less waste that is presented for burning at our incinerator the better and I will be presenting more information on the different options available to achieve this objective.
The Rates Assembly, and indeed all Parish Assemblies, have the ultimate power in all the parishes around the Island. It is the Connétable’s job to present the meetings with the information they need and proposals for them to debate and vote on.
We will liaise with the parties involved to alleviate any concerns and to arrive at a consensus in moving Grouville forward.
Mark A Labey
Connétable de Grouville